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Premiere 2023 - Release your love

Hits: 778

I invite you to listen to our first single from the Polish-Ukrainian project The Misery Project.

The song is a ray of hope for millions of Ukrainian people whose lives have been shattered by war... In this song, we have recorded and expressed what is deep within our hearts, what we live by, and what we experience during these difficult times... We dedicate this song to Uman and the entire bloodied Ukraine. We believe that no matter how challenging it may be, Victory will be with Ukraine on all fronts, and the reign of evil will soon come to an end, finally bringing back Peace, Love, and Hope... Perhaps it is naive, but that is how it will be... With this song, I want to once again thank the Polish people for the incredible support that Ukrainians have felt from the early days of the war. Thank you sincerely! I also want to thank everyone who has contributed to this project! 
Слава Україні! Chwała Polsce!
(c) Projekt Misery (The Misery Project), 2023
Team: Krzysztof Hoffmann, Grechna, Michał Steciak, Michał Jelonek, Artur Tabor, Michał Andrzejewski, Andrzej Karp, Vladyslav Yats, Marcin Socha
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