Charity concert of solidarity with Ukraine
Dear friends, Poles, a strong nation of sincere and benevolent people!
I never get tired of thanking you for your open hearts for us Ukrainians!
Thank you for the invitation and a great concert! Goodness returns!
Photos from the charity concert GraMY doBBro VI for Ukraine in Bielsk-Biała in the hall of Bielskiego Centrum Kultury im. Maria Koterbskiej
Foto: Lucek Cykarski
I never get tired of thanking you for your open hearts for us Ukrainians!
Thank you for the invitation and a great concert! Goodness returns!
Photos from the charity concert GraMY doBBro VI for Ukraine in Bielsk-Biała in the hall of Bielskiego Centrum Kultury im. Maria Koterbskiej
Foto: Lucek Cykarski